After a long winter, we can’t wait to open our doors and windows to let in the fresh air! But the arrival of summer means it’s that time of the year when allergens and moisture get inside your home and create the potential for mold and poor indoor air quality.
Allergens such as pollen and ragweed can somehow find their way into your home through not only windows and doors but also any other openings or air leaks in floors and ceilings, and around chimneys, pipes, ductwork, etc.
The easiest way to improve indoor air quality
Even in the summer, we spend a large percentage of our time indoors. Did you know that a properly insulated home using green products can help your home maintain good indoor air quality? That’s because properly installed, densely-packed insulation seals the home’s envelope from not only outside air but anything the air carries in, including allergens and moisture.
Eco-friendly insulation products such as cellulose, sheep’s wool and timberfill (made of wood chips) don’t collect moisture since they are treated so that any water that touches these products dries up instead. The borate salt that cellulose is treated with keeps away mice and insects and the foul mess they create with their nests and feces. Best of all, because these products are natural, they don’t release toxic fumes.
Improve your home comfort year-round
Yes, you can have a home with ideal air quality just by insulating, but you need to have it done effectively and with the right products. That way, you’ll also have the benefit of increased comfort year-round. In addition to freeing your home of allergens and moisture and improving the air quality, you’ll be cooler and dryer in summer and warmer in winter. The biggest benefit will be the significantly reduced costs on your energy bill each month!
Cool Fact:
Using cellulose or other natural insulation products, you are being green and reducing your carbon footprint two ways: by using an environmentally safe product and cutting energy consumption.